
quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2015

Companies That Are 'Best Places to Work' Share These 3 Things

Companies That Are 'Best Places to Work' Share These 3 Things

      Being featured on a “best places to work” list is an achievement many companies strive to earn. Many companies don’t realize that they may already possess the qualities that make those featured companies worthy of praise.
How can employers be sure their organization is deemed a great place to work by employees -- even if they’ve yet to be officially recognized for it? Here are three signs a company deserves a highly coveted spot on a “best places to work” list:

      1. The company has a strong, positive culture.
While everyone loves to take an occasional break to play a game of ping-pong or enjoy lunch on the company’s dime, these fun work perks don’t define a company’s culture. A great culture starts with a clear vision. Regularly communicating this vision to the organization helps employees better align their work goals, in pursuit of the company’s mission.
      2. Employers invest in their employees.
The people that make up an organization are a company’s most important asset, so employers should invest in them as much as possible. This can easily be done by giving employees what they want most: opportunities to grow professionally.
      3. Performance reviews are valued.
Great places to work put more emphasis on certain aspects of the review process -- aspects such as ongoing feedback, recognition and goal alignment and achievement.
Publicado por : GRH1

- " O valor das pessoas, é mais do que monetário" - grh1

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